“You Got a Second Chance You Could Go Home Lyrics” sung by Daughter represents the English Music Ensemble. The name of the song is Medicine.
You Got a Second Chance You Could Go Home Lyrics
Pick it up, pick it all up
And start again
You’ve got a second chance
You could go home
Escape it all
It’s just irrelevant
It’s just medicine
It’s just medicine
You could still be
What you want to
What you said you were
When I met you
You’ve got a warm heart
You’ve got a beautiful brain
But it’s disintegrating
From all the medicine
From all the medicine
From all the medicine
You could still be
What you want to be
What you said you were
When you met me
You could still be
What you want to
What you said you were
When I met you
When you met me
When you met me
Video Song
This was the lyrics of the song “You Got a Second Chance You Could Go Home Lyrics”.
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