“Thank You For The Cross The Mighty Cross That God Himself Lyrics” sung by Bob Kauflin represents the English Music Ensemble. The name of the song is Thank You for the Cross by Bob Kauflin.
Thank You For The Cross The Mighty Cross That God Himself Lyrics
Thank You for the cross
The mighty cross
That God Himself should die
For such as us
And everyday we’re changed
Into Your image
More and more
Yes by the cross
We’ve truly been transformed
And we’re so amazed
And we give You praise
That You would save us
At such a cost
We’re so amazed
And we give You praise
For the power of the cross
For the power of the cross
Thank You for the cross
The mighty cross
That God Himself should die
For such as us
And everyday we’re changed
Into Your image
More and more
Yes by the cross
We’ve truly been transformed
And we’re so amazed
And we give You praise
That You would save us
At such a cost
We’re so amazed
And we give You praise
For the power of the cross
For the power of the cross
Video Song
This is the end of “Thank You For The Cross The Mighty Cross That God Himself Lyrics”.
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