“Basbousa TikTok Song Lyrics” represents the Tiktok Music Ensemble. This is a trending tiktok song that has gone viral.
Basbousa TikTok Song Lyrics
Sittuh basbisitluh basbussah bissammni wissukkar wilassal
a^^al wukassiff ya hussah a^^al wudayib filassal tisitti ubass (4x)
bussah bilsamn wilsukkar wilassal sittuh
sittuh basbisaluh wumama msa’iyaluh (2x)
dayir walah ala baluh wala ayis yischtagal khulassah wumusch khulassah wislah minger russasah
l? falih biddirasah wala yischufluh hamal ingirah ya nunu ingirah arfah halti dbgah
d? afandi wall?h sa’ah matruh matitmassam
attablah… ya bassem… ra’a^^ha…. wuna’ilha… wilbaladi… ya h?y?h…. saltanha….. schahlilha aywah…
El Helwa Dee
(This Beautiful Lady)
(by Said Darwish)
2x El Helwa dee aamit ta3-gin fil badryia
Widdeek biyidan cu cu cu cu fil fagriyyaat
Ya-llah binah 3al-la baballah ya sa-nay3iyah
Yig3al sabaHak sabaHel kheir yasta 3atiyyah
Tili3i’nnahar fataH ya 3aleem
Wil geb mafishi wallah malleem
Min fil yomen dol shaf talteem
Zayyil sanay3iyyal mazaleem
Dassabri 3omro Taaa…l
Min ba3di wa’fel Haaaa…l
Yalli ma3aakel maaaa…l
Bardul fa’eer loh rabbi kareem
Bardul fa’eer loh rabbi kareem
Ma tshiddi Heilak yaabu SalaH
Idribha sarma ti3ish mertaH
Khalli’ttikalak 3al fattaH
Yalla bina yallal wa’tahou raH
2x women Ishamsi til3at / men Wel mulkee lelaah
women Is3a li riz’ak / men Khaleeha al allah
men Ma tshil addoumak
all Wil 3idah w yallah!
verse 2x
alternate version (translated by Nicole Ibrahim)
El Helwa dee aamit taa-gin fil badria
This beautiful woman got up to do her dough at dawn
Wideek beinda cu cu cu cu fi il fagria
And the rooster crowed at dawn
Ya-llah binah al-lah ya sa-nay-iah
Let’s go and make our living by the name of God
Yigal sabahak sabah il kher yasta atiyah
Mister Atiyah I wish you a good morning so let’s get up
Sabah eh sabah fatah ya aleem
God bless this morning, I don’t know what’s in store.
(Protect me from this morning)
Wil geb mafish wallah maleem
My pocket is empty of money today
Bes il mazg tayeb wil saleem
But my mood is good
Noor il lamal amalak ya raheeem
God give me the light of hope
Wisabere tayeb al wim gayr il ahwal
Patience will change all the bad and you have hope
Yele ma-ak il mal bar-do il fayr lo rab kareem
Even though theyn may have money, poor people have God too.
Video Song
This is the end of “Basbousa TikTok Song Lyrics”.
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