Here is the lyrics of the song “Girasoles (Sunflower) in the English Version”. This song was sung by the prominent Hollywood singer Luis Fonsi.
The lyrics of the song Girasoles is made available in both the Spanish and English version. Here is the lyrics of Girasoles in the English Version.
The Spanish Version of Girasoles lyrics is available here,
Girasoles SongLyrics (Spanish Version)
Girasoles (Sunflower) Lyrics in English
Like the moon and the sun
they always have to wait until night
although you are not by my side today, I know that you will arrive
sunflowers never stop spinning
Like on the seashore
the water comes with caresses that go away
I know very well that you left, you know well that you will return
sunflowers never stop spinning
I will wait for you, I will wait for you
and when you come back with a kiss, I will be here
I will wait for you, I will wait for you
with the certainty that I breathe, I will love you
because although I know that you left, you know well that you will return
sunflowers never stop spinning
Like the rain and the flower
a storm can make you flourish
and when the wind calms down, you are going to look prettier
I will be here, I know that you will return
I will wait for you, I will wait for you
and when you come back with a kiss, I will be here
I will wait for you, I will wait for you
with the certainty that I breathe, I will love you
because although I know that you left, you know well that you will return
sunflowers never stop spinning
Today when I have seen you return
a thousand sunflowers waited for you
they didn’t ask where you were, but they turned without thinking
like me, they never stopped waiting
sunflowers never stop spinning
This is the end of the lyrics of Girasoles (Sunflower) in the English version.