F No I Go Where I Want To Tik Tok Song Lyrics

F No I Go Where I Want To Tik Tok Song Lyrics sung by BoyWithUke from the album Two Moons represents the Tiktok Music Ensemble. The name of the song is Minute Long Song by BoyWithUke.

F No I Go Where I Want To Tik Tok Song Lyrics

Yeah fu^k NO
I go where I want to
But I’m stuck in my bedroom
I’m telling lies to keep myself from hurting those around you

Yeah after all these years, I found you
I found you

Sorry please excuse me for my mess
My hearts been pouring through my chest
I fell through corridors of broken floors
I’m sorry that I left

Fell asleep in my new bed
I can’t feel happy in my head
I see two moons and nothing more
I close my door
I’m left with less

Yeah fu^k NO
I go where I want to
But I’m stuck in my bedroom
I’m telling lies to keep myself from hurting those around you

Yeah after all these years, I found you
I found you

Sorry please excuse me for my mess
My hearts been pouring through my chest
I fell through corridors of broken floors
I’m sorry that I left

Fell asleep in my new bed
I can’t feel happy in my head
I see two moons and nothing more
I close my door
I’m left with less

Video Song

This is the end of F No I Go Where I Want To Tik Tok Song Lyrics.

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