“You Say You Love The Rain But You Open Your Umbrella Lyrics” sung by Trinidad Cardona represents the English Music Ensemble. The name of the song is Love Me Back.
You Say You Love The Rain But You Open Your Umbrella Lyrics
You say you love rain
but you open your umbrella
you say you love the sun
but you find a shadow spot
you say you love wind
but you close your windows
this is whay I’m afraid
when you say you love me !
تقول إنك تحب المطر
ولكنك تفتح مظلتك
تقول إنك تحب الشمس
ولكنك تبحث عن الظل
تقول إنك تحب الرياح
ولكنك تغلق نافذتك
هذا ما يجعلني أخاف
عندما تقول لي
إنك تحبني !
Video Song
This is the end of “You Say You Love The Rain But You Open Your Umbrella Lyrics”.
If you have any suggestion or correction in the Lyrics, Please contact us or comment below.